

About four months ago Mario and I started planning our next Mini Match event in the studio. Short after we decided on the date we thought it could be a great idea to make this one slightly different from all the other ones we have had in the past. Since the event date was going to be so close to the Thanks-Giving holiday we felt it would be a nice gesture to give something back to the community.

After some thinking, we decided to make a donation out of the event’s profits to an organization that we feel is close to our hearts and that, at the same time, could help make a difference in the world. We struggled to find the perfect fit since many of the organizations out there were not necessarily what we thought they would be. So we kept searching…

About two months ago, Lynne Ragan, one of our awesome Daza Dance students, spoke with Mario about a non-profit organization called Lost-n-Found that she happened to get familiar with after familiarizing her self with the story of Daniel Pierce, a teenager that was mistreated, kicked out his home and disowned by his family for “choosing to be gay”.

Lost-n-Found is an Atlanta-based nonprofit corporation whose mission is to take homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youths to age 26 off the street and transition them into more permanent housing. They operate a 24/7 hotline, a Youth Center, a 6-bed 90-day housing facility, and 3-6 month host home program. In addition, Lost-n-Found Youth is Atlanta’s only nonprofit agency actively working to take homeless LGBTQ youth off the street.

From the moment we were introduced to Lost-n-Found, Mario and I started researching information about it and we looked at their videos and articles online. We began to brainstorm ideas and possibilities on how to get involved and support their cause; the type of work they are doing in Atlanta is very remarkable and fulfilling but also something that we could relate to, understand and appreciate.

Today, Mario and I met for lunch with Lynne and went to the facility where they operate. Kim, who is the center’s manager, greeted us as soon as we walked in. She was extremely warm and friendly and she immediately showed us around the facility. She was very excited to know our intentions to get involved and help them. We wanted to share our dance skills with them too.

It was very impressive to find out about all the activities they offer and the level of organization they showed. Kim was very open to tell us about their future goals and how they are planning in continue growing in Atlanta. I could see in her eyes how much pride she experiences for what she does but also how happy it makes her feel to influence these young adults as she and her team assist them in turning their lives around in such a positive way.

Then, We were scored to the back of the building and introduced to Ryan, who is in fact one of the actual Lost-n-Found success stories. He shared some of his personal journey as well as gave us a VIP tour around their huge thrift shop where he currently works. There were so many interesting items that people have donated in a little over a year since the store has been open.

This shop made the most impact on Mario and I because it was perfectly put together and everything inside was arranged to the minimum detail. Walking around the store was fun because all the different articles were very nicely displayed and even color coordinated. And of course, me being the shopping person I am, I saw this beautiful motor-bicycle that I am definitely going back to buy… I can tell it was very old but it was in almost perfect conditions; I immediately fell in love with it. I think I am having an early Christmas gift to myself!

After about an hour of walking around and going through almost everything in the shop it was time to get back to the studio. We promised to get back with them as soon as possible with some firm ideas on how we could potentially partner and work together; not only donating money but also having ongoing activities that would benefit their members. We realize there is a lot we can do to contribute with their vision. Lost-n-Found is definitely the type of organization that we, at Daza Dance, feel very comfortable supporting.

Visiting Lost-n-Found today was a very humbling experience that made me realized how lucky and blessed I have been for belonging to a family that supports me and always welcomes me as I am. It is the work of organizations such as Lost-n-Found that are contributing to create a better society for all. It is nice to know that there is a place where young people can go to find shelter after being rejected by their families and friends just because of their sexual orientation.  

Thank you so much to Mario for being so proactive in arranging this meeting today and doing all the necessary prep-work. Also, thank you to Lynne Ragan for introducing us to this organization and opening this line of opportunity to help others in need. Finally, thank you in advance to anyone that will take part in contributing with our partnership with Lost-n-Found.

For more information about Lost-n-Found mission visit them at:
For more information about Ryan Peterson click HERE.
For more information about the Daniel Pierce case click HERE.

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