

I just wanted to let you all know what a great time I had with you while I was in your country. You guys were a fantastic group of hosts who really know how to make someone feel welcome in your home. It was so nice of you to have taken me out to meet the local dance community as well as other studio owners and their clients.  I truly enjoyed sharing my dance knowledge with everyone and I hope it was helpful to everyone.

Buenos Aires was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful, cosmopolitan and friendliest cities I have ever visited. The food couldn’t have been better… It was so delicious! Now I think I am officially addicted to the morning “Facturas with coffee” as well as my new favorite dinner: “Bife de chorizo with guisado de lentejas y pastel de papas”… and of course be sure not to let me forget the usual tea with fresh-squeezed lemon juice in it after every meal… A real treat!
I honestly loved the warmth on the argentine people; the hugs, the kisses and the constant smile on their faces made me feel as if I was part of their “family”. Everyone was cordial and appreciative of all the little things in life. Most of all I appreciate the people’s feeling of equality and acceptance as well as the constant effort by those who lead your country to make it a place where everyone’s opinion is heard and taken in consideration on every debate.
Argentina is a very special place on earth where dreams can still become true. There are so many untapped territories there that make your country an exciting place to start a new life. Argentina is filled with many new and exciting possibilities to all of its citizens and those who are just visiting.
I am looking forward to visit you guys again in January of 2015. It looks like a very long way from now but hopefully it won't be that way.
Thanks again for a truly great experience... Much love, Antonio Daza

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